Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So much going on and loving it.

Where to start with this post? I have so much going on and am so excited about all my projects. I guess I will start with the status of my New Year's Resolutions.#1 Cook once a week. I'm not going to lie...I did miss one week this past month that I didn't get to cook. However, I have cooked the rest of the weeks and am learning to cook more things that are actually good. Over the past month I have made Chicken and Dumplings (Recipe from Sandra Lee's cookbook)...they were AWESOME if I do say so myself. I also made Quesadillas, my hubby's favorite, and I actually cooked something without a recipe and just "winged it" they were Chimichangas...and were they good. I was so proud. Unfortunately I didn't think to take any pictures of my dishes, but will hopefully remember to this upcoming month. #2 Post on my blog more. Well, I guess it hasn't been more than a month, so maybe I'm making progress on this one? #3 Work more on my Etsy shop. I am doing well on this one. I posted new items and actually had some sales last month. I was so excited! I also have a photo shoot tomorrow to get a few more items on Etsy. I'm also working on getting more exposure. I signed up for the Sampler Village Feb box and am almost finished with my samples.  I also purchased my first ad spot on Sampler Village's website for the year, and am currently hosting a giveaway on their blog. Ok, so that's the update on my to fun projects I'm working on craft wise.
In January I got a Kindle, absolutely LOVE it. But of course the first thing that came to mind was that I need a sleeve or something for it. So I actually made a sleeve for it that I'm happy with and made up my own pattern for it. Of course I didn't write i down, so I'm going to have to see if I can make another one. I will post pics of it probably in my next post. I also bought some awesome patterns from Crochettrend on Etsy. If you crochet you definitely need to check out her patterns, they are awesome.

I made from a pattern purchased from Crochettrend. Super cute, and fun to wear. It's very different and unique without being too out there. That's all for this post, until next time...