Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Current Project...

So as promised I'm posting some pics of my afghan that I'm working on. It's somewhat close to being finished. I love the colors, I originally started making it to put up in my Etsy shop (www.etsy.com/loopygalcreations), but I've fallen in love with it so I think it may just be for me. :)
I got the pattern and color combo here.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Have to get used to this thing...

So I finally did it. I started a blog. Now hopefully I will remember to actually post to this thing. ;)
No, really, I'm super excited about this. I'm hoping this will be a place I can share and talk about my current projects with people who are interested. (I just can't get my husband excited enough about my projects that he wants to talk about them all the time).
So hopefully I will have some pictures of my current project an awesome crocheted afghan/throw.  It is turning out absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait till I'm finished with it. This is the longest crocheted project I've done. (I normally like to be able to have something completed within a night or two, this one has taken me a few weeks and counting).