Saturday, September 4, 2010

Long Time No Post

So it's been a while since my last post. Things have been busy classes started back, work, and of course football! But that doesn't mean that I don't have lots to talk about.

First things first. I FINISHED the Willow Square Afghan. I'm so happy with how it turned out and may do another one in the very far future. Here is a picture of the finished afghan and of course you can see other pics on my Flickr stream.

Also, I have started to sew a little. I have a Halloween Table Runner that I'm working on right now. I bought a pattern on, and I already have so many ideas on how to expand on it and hopefully make a "series". But I need to finish the first one. :) Here is a pic of the runner in progress, it's just so darn cute if I say so myself.

I have one of the spiders appliqued on, just have to do the other one, and then I haven't decided if I'm going to quilt it or not. The pattern does quilt it, but I'm thinking it would look good without being quilted and have some kind of decorative topstitch. (I hope I'm using the right terminology). And you can see more pics of this, as well as a closeup of the spider on my Flickr stream.

Well that's all for this post...'till next time...